Summary of Terms of Leasing a Site in the Narrow Ridge Community Land Trust
Individuals who choose to lease land within the Narrow Ridge Community Land Trust agree to the following terms:
- Leaseholders share financial responsibility for maintenance to common roads.
- Leaseholders are responsible for taxes on leased land and any structures on the leased land.
- A leaseholder may sell a lease site for no more than 3% per annum of an established base rate per acre plus the fair market value of any improvements to the lease site.
- The exploration, development, or extraction of stone or minerals (including oil, gas and coal) is prohibited.
- Hunting is prohibited.
- Leased land cannot be subdivided without approval by Narrow Ridge.
- Home(s) on the lease site are not to exceed 2500 square feet of livable space.
- Commercial use of leased land or structures on the land requires approval by Narrow Ridge.
- All structures greater than 50 square feet or taller than 15 feet require approval by Narrow Ridge prior to the start of construction.
- Unsustainable removal of growing trees, shrubs or herbs is prohibited (see lease agreement for details).
- All fencing or structures within 50 feet of a lease site boundary or greater than 6 feet in height require Narrow Ridge approval.
- Narrow Ridge approval is required for outdoor lighting with an aim at minimizing light pollution and preserving the night sky.
- In an effort to prevent erosion and soil degradation, major excavation or road construction (e.g. driveway) requires consultation with a hydrologist or professional approved by Narrow Ridge.
- Above or in-ground disposal of hazardous materials is prohibited.
- The use of toxic chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, and/or fungicides that pose a risk of polluting the air, and/or surface water is strictly prohibited.
- Narrow Ridge approval is required for above-ground installation of utility systems or extensions of existing utility systems.
- Materials deemed unsightly by Narrow Ridge and visible from a lease boundary line shall not be stored or erected.
- Signs may only be displayed if they do not diminish the scenic character of the land.
- Flying a drone over land held by Narrow Ridge or over neighboring lease sites is prohibited unless approval is granted by Narrow Ridge or the neighboring leaseholder.
- Noise (such as a generator, stereo, etc.) shall be held to a minimum.
- Use of a generator is permitted for recharging batteries for solar photovoltaic systems and during the process of constructing a home. Generators are not to be used as a daily power source for a lease site on a long-term basis. Installation of a sound barrier for generator use is required.