Vision Fast Equipment List

Equipment for the fast:

Backpack with frame and waist belt

Sleeping bag

Sleeping or ground pad (e.g. Ensolite or Thermarest)

Small clasp knife

Poncho/rain gear

Light weight hat that provides sun protection

Warm clothing for evenings (e.g. wool cap, sweater or jacket)


Plastic cup


Small first aid kit

Sturdy hiking boots (high top for ankle support)

Journal and pen


Insect repellent

Any necessary medication including emergency allergy medication

Waterproof matches

Emergency food supplies (trail mix, energy bar, etc.)

Equipment for pre- and post-fast at the lodge:


Towels (small and large)

Toiletries (keep it simple: biodegradable and small)

Linens (unless you are content to use your sleeping bag)


Comfortable shoes

Water shoes for the creek (e.g. old tennis shoes, rubber sandals)

Reusable water bottle

Camp chair (if possible)

Optional: camera, musical instrument

Narrow Ridge will provide tarps, rope and water jugs for the fast.

What not to bring (if you bring for travel please store in luggage)

1.   Electrical gadgets that take 110-current (hair dryer, etc)

2.   I-pods or other hand-held electronic gadgets

3.   Cell phones (Most cell phones do not get reception at Narrow Ridge. A phone is available at Strawbale Lodge and the Mac Smith Resource Center for local and incoming long distance phone calls. A Google Voice account has been set up for making long distance calls at Strawbale Lodge.

Contact Numbers

Narrow Ridge office: 865-497-2753

Mitzi Wood-Von Mizener (Director): 865-497-3603

Strawbale Lodge (where you will be staying): 865-497-3142

Bill Nickle (Vision Fast Guide) 865-497-3566

Recommended Reading

  1. The Trail to the Sacred Mountain: A Vision Fast Handbook for Adults by Steven Foster and Meredith Little
  2. The Book of The Vision Quest by Steven Foster
  3. Roaring of the Sacred River: The Wilderness Quest for Vision and Self-Healing by Steven Foster and Meredith Little.
  4. The Four Shields: The Initiatory The Seasons of Human Nature by Steven Foster and Meredith Little and
  5. Journey to the Sacred Mountains: Awakening Your Soul in Nature by Flynn Johnson

Foster and Little’s books can be purchased at